Monday, March 21, 2011

There But For Fortune.

It had been a long time since I have seen his face, heard his voice closely listening to the words.
A long time indeed. Although I lived through the events the distance between the decades have faded the memory but the footage in this film brought them back albeit with diminished clarity.
I seem to remember the demonstration/celebratiion n Central Park when the last of troops returned from Indochina. I was there but man that was a long time ago.
Most of people in the theatre here in Berkeley CA had grey hair, not greying hair but the real thing; full on Granpa hair. We were here though, whisked in by the energy to witness once again those melodies, songs, and chords of fame.
Besides the film this Saturday evening showing was an epic moment for me because my admission for this film was the first time I used the senior discount. I was in good company.

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