I have been quite taken with the case of Oakland Police Officer Johannes Mehrsele who has been convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the shooting death of Oscar Grant(pictured above). Captured on several hand held video recordings we see Grant face down being restrained by three police officers. Mehrsele states he mistook his 40mm pistol for a taser and shot Grant in the back. Grant died a minutes later before medical help could arrive.
Community leaders called for restraint after the sentence decided by an all white jury was announced and for the most part the peace held. After it got dark some store windows in downtown Oakland were smashed and a few trash cans were set alight. In the end 78 were arrested on various charges but only 19 of them had Oakland addresses. Some of the arrested came from out of state.
Police become Criminals and heroes are carved out of dire circumstances. One life destroyed and the other ruined. Proving once again truth is stranger than...
This news item never grew any legs nationally although it rocked Oakland like a supercharged Marshall turned up to 10.
Stay tuned for updates on the sentencing.
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