Thursday, January 26, 2006


Coping with Negative Thoughts
Are you a "glass half empty" or a "glass half full" kind of person? Research shows that looking at the positive side of things is better for your health - optimists have been shown to do better than pessimists in almost every aspect of life, including how well their immune systems function. If you tend to be negative, there is good news: Optimism can be learned. The process begins with the identification of self-defeating thoughts. Once you become aware of habitual thoughts that lead to negative emotions, you can begin to substitute positive ones. For example, whenever you notice yourself reminding on a negative theme like, "I am worthless and this latest setback just confirms it," you can consciously substitute, "This setback is just something that happened; I will get through it, because I am capable and resilient."
DAEPRO says:
It is so easy to come down on yourself or others. Sometimes I look at the wonders all around me and at other times I see nothing but doom & gloom. I ponder what makes me change perspective so randomly. Is it related to events, body chemistry, lack of natural sunlight or just a plain blue mood.
I think that these moods make us human and feeling them whether joy or grief must be felt like waves in the ocean. Optimism is a gift and when one feels it they should be very grateful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree full-heartedly!