Friday, March 26, 2010

Delicious Spring Cleanse

The Nei Ching says, "The Liver craves the Sour Flavor." These food will help to nourish the Liver and are important during a spring cleanse. One of the easiest ways to start your spring cleaning is with Lemons and Water. Lemons have a sour flavor and an astringent quality. Meaning that they literally help squeeze impurities out of the organs and muscles (picture the scrunched up face of someone who has just sucked on a lemon). If you do nothing else this spring, go grab a big bag full of organic lemons (they were on sale today at Whole Foods, by the way) and squeeze generously in all of the water you drink for the next month! It is a great way to get your internal energy moving and cleanse the Liver at the same time.
Thanks Melissa

Sunday, March 07, 2010

The Family Simpsons's ( a sweet story)

After dinner, one very strong tradition is to watch “The Simpsons.” We actually call it “Family Simpsons.” There is something about that show — it’s such a great mix of something completely subversive and this sort of sweetness. It’s a show with a heart of gold, as opposed to a lot of other shows which are just trying to be funny, but really there’s no soul there. For the four of us and where we all are in our lives right now, it’s just sort of a perfect show. We all sit on the couch, sort of like the Simpsons themselves.

This is the Sunday routine of author Rebecca Stead whose novel “When You Reach Me” won the Newbery Medal in January for the most outstanding contribution to children’s literature of 2009. The book is set on the Upper West Side, where Ms. Stead, 42, grew up and still lives with her husband, Sean O’Brien, a lawyer, and her sons, Eli, who turns 9 on Monday, and Jack, 11.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Crumb's Genesis

Seeing these stories accompanied by the illustrations brings them more alive to me than ever before.
R.Crumb has finally published his lifes work in this Book of Genesis. Just reading the intro is worth the price of admission.
However his B&W drawings of life in the Old Testament
are for lack of better word AWESOME! Art appreciation is truly subjective but there is something for everybody in this latest edition of the first book of the five books of Moses.
Great read, but I don't recommend doing it in public. This hard cover should be enjoyed in a private place.
Click on image to enlarge photo.