Saturday, May 03, 2008

Workers Solidarity Day! MAY 1 2008

I have been a serious worker ("wage slave") for more than 2/3 of my life and yet to have experienced "The Pink Slip". So when I was served my lay off notice I felt abandoned by my
employers (ruling class) who in the past were steadily available to exploit my labor yet provide me with an adequate, liveable wage.
Current circumstances are not bad at all and we will survive this episode but for me it conjures up images of being in a sea adrift.
Bravado hallucinations of The Gorilla in a hard hat breaking his chains and sparking revolution briefly flash before my eyes soon fading into a languishing bright New England Summer with unemployment insurance .
Today is also my Father's Birthday. Happy Birthday to you even though you are no longer here to do my worrying for me.